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Can India change online gambling?

The year of 2020 has been somewhat different. The same can be said for Indian players and their casino habits. Many online casinos have shown interest in what is the world's third biggest economy for a while and it’s looking like this year might be the year India claims their position as one of the most powerful markets in the world og iGaming.

We have looked into how this can change the online gaming industry the next couple of years. And to help us understand the market better, we have asked the guys at Canada to help us out.

Solid Economy - Not so solid Regulations

The Indian economy is characterized as a developing market economy. However, because of the enormous population of 1.3 billion people, the size of it is enormous compared to other good markets for gambling. The enormous population and the rapid increase of people using internet and mobile technology as their main source of entertainment are two other good reasons why the casinos are taking such a huge interest.

However, the main reason of interest comes from the unclear regulations in the market, as well as a low will to do anything about them. The experts at claim that it’s the combination of these factors that makes India so valuable.

— Indian players are allowed to play skill-based games, such as blackjack. In addition to that, the laws that are supposed to cover slots and other luck based games are dated back to 1867, which obviously make them not suitable for online gambling. It’s therefore safe to say that Indian players are not doing anything illegal when they play online, and this is not the case with other markets that have the same value.

You guys have specialized in Live Casino, can you tell us a little bit about why that is?

— Yes, it is really simple. We have been in the business for a long time, know a lot about live casinos and we have the wish to be a solid platform where Indian player’s can find the best guides and bonuses available to them.

Indians love Live Casino

Online Casino is about slots for many. As the RTP is way higher than in a land based casino, this has been a thing of the present for many years already. However, Indian players seem to prefer Live Casino Games such as the above mentioned, blackjack.

This can obviously be the wish to do something there is no doubt is legal and if you ask, they have every reason in the world to love it.

— Live Casino can be one of the most intriguing ways of entertainment the world has to offer as long as you use strategy and enjoy the real deal where everything happens right in front of you.

It is a common thing around the world to not trust online casinos completely, and Indian players are showing indications of being more protective than others. The wish to see things and not hope for an hidden algorithm to be in their favour that day, can very well be the reason for their love of Live Casino.

Why can India change the game?

There are a lot of factors coming together when we try to answer this question, but it all has to do with the size, the economy and the habits of the Indian market. When someone as big as India enters anything, they will be a force to be reckoned with. With a growing population and economy to go with it, this is likely to keep going for a long time.

When we add that the player habits are so different when it comes to slots vs. live casino games, you know the online casinos have to change their way of thinking. We can see bits of the evolution already today with Real Money Teen Patti available in several casinos.

— Teen Patti is just the beginning. In the last year, online casinos have started to focus more and more on their live offering, which we believe will be a huge benifit for the igaming industry in the long run.

Are India powerful enough to change the entire industry?

— The jackpot in Mega Moolah won’t go away and that is a good thing. If we are to predict anything, I believe we will see the same developments in the slots department as before, but the online casinos will step up their game when it comes to offering and bonuses very soon.